In Apparel Design, we are working on developing our creativity and locating new sources for inspiration in our designs. We were divided into groups of three and then given a list of architects to choose from with only a few minutes to research to restrict us to picking simply who caught our eye. My group chose the architect Frank Gehry to research and pull influence from for our designs.
With our first inspiration board, we were required to find out general information on Frank Gehry’s style, buildings, and where he pulls his inspiration from. Like how Gehry falls in the deconstructionism, that looks unfinished and non-traditional, and one of his main sources for inspiration is fish!
From this research, we were instructed to design a garment that was inspired by our architect. The sky was the limit because we didn’t have any guidelines or restrictions to our designs because we didn’t have to make them! This project has helped me develop my creativity and I have found inspiration in places and objects I never thought I could pull inspiration from.
:) Nice working with you!